Kit De Ferramentas Vape, Pinças, Alicate, Gabarito De Bobin

Kit De Ferramentas Vape, Pinças, Alicate, Gabarito De Bobin

R$ 95,97
(Produto Novo)
Henan - HA

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Reputação do vendedor LYBENSANBRR

Reputação do vendedor

O vendedor LYBENSANBRR vendeu 42 produtos desde sempre.

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Ajuda a fabricar as bobinas com facilidade. Bom conjunto de ferramentas para atomizador RDA. Leve e portátil, perfeito para viajar. Cor: cor aleatória, não aceite a cor especificada Material: plástico + metal Conteúdo do pacote: 1 rolo x Para fio KA1 1 x alicate 1 x pinça de cotovelo 1 x 5 níveis gabarito de bobina 1 x tesoura 1 x escova de bobina 1 x 2 em 1 pinça de cerâmica redonda 1 x + chave de fenda estilo 1 x chave de fenda estilo 1 x bolsa vape If you have any questions about the product after purchase, please contact us through free market order information. In this way, we will reply to you within 12 hours to resolve any of your issues. *I suggest that you do not file a claim in the market free If you file a claim through the free market, it is estimated that the platform will take 10 working days to review the claim. But if you contact us directly, the problem will be quickly and effectively resolved. *All products sold in this store have quality assurance! Due to differences between different monitors, images may not reflect the true color of the article. We guarantee that the style is the same as shown in the picture. *Due to manual measurement and different measurement methods, there may be a difference of 1 to 3 centimeters. Thank you! *Our product will be returned or exchanged within 30 days of your request *You can obtain a tracking number in the after-sales private chat. *If there are any new situations with the product during transportation, you can contact us to assist you with what we can do. *Your evaluation is very important to us, and we care about your opinions. We hope you can tell us about your experience with us. If you encounter any problems during the purchasing process, please try contacting us to provide a solution.

Garantia do vendedor: 7 dias


Marca: Generic

Condição do item: Novo

Modelo: Generic

Unidades por kit: 0


Cor: Random Color

R$ 95,97

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